Our Happily Ever After...

After a life time of searching, Jaime and I finally crossed paths. We met through mutual friends while he was on duty at the fire station, which just happened to be Abby's birthday. We were married a year later. June 12, 2004 was the beginning of our "Happily Ever After"!

Our son, Wyatt, was born on December 21, 2004 and he is such a blessing to our family! He looks just like his daddy! A little pistol during the day and a cuddler at night. He is always dressed up as a firefighter, just like daddy!

Our daughter, Abby, is a beautiful young lady! She is so smart and never seems to amaze us. She is very talented! She loves to sing and dance.

We moved to Guthrie in November 2007. Everyone has adjusted extremly well. We bought a house in August 2008 and completly remodeled it. It is on a queit dead-end street, in a wonderful neighborhood! It is close to the schools and not far from the fire station. It's just perfect! The only thing missing is the white picket fence :)

Jaime was promoted to Lieutenant with the Guthrie Fire Department in March 2007. He is doing a wonderful job. He started his own Lawn and Landscaping Company, Integrity Lawn Care, in January 2007. I am very pleased to say that it is doing great and we are growing every year!

With the business income, I am able to stay home and raise my babies! This is very exciting! No more wondering what will happen if one of the kids are sick and have to miss school or which parent will be able to take off work for field trips. Dinner is able to be prepared in a timely manner and the laundry is always caught up.. yea to clean socks! I help Jaime out with the paper work part of the business and I believe it has help us grow as a family. I just can't imagine a better job in the world!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4lbs. Down!!!

Just an update...

I got up this morning, knowing it was going to be a beautiful day, and after I took the kids to school, I grabbed the ipod and went for a walk/jog... 1.6 miles to be exact! Did it just under 30 min. Then, I went to tan and came back to weigh myself. As of today, I have lost 4 lbs.!!!!!! Not a ton, but it's a start! I started this new "diet plan" last Thursday, so not off to such a bad start :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Blah.. Blah.. Blah.. Diet Talk

So, just like every year, one of my "New Year's Resolutions" was to get back in shape and lose weight! Everything was going very well the first few weeks... I was eating a lot better, less sugar and carbs, working out and even doing some strength training! I told myself that I would weigh every couple of weeks or so, this way I didn't get discouraged with the up and down of a pound or two that women typically have from a day to day basis. So, after 2 weeks of being on track, I weighed myself and I GAINED 5 pounds!!!!! Are you serious?!?! I missed out on really good stuff and the "real" soda and late night snacks and junk food and and and... I thought to myself, "If I can gain weight by being on a "diet" and working out, and maintain my weight by enjoying the stuff I normally do, than why in the world am I putting myself through this?" Yes, I am over weight, and Yes, I constantly gripe about my clothes not fitting right, but 5 pounds?? I gave up the big "D" thing and returned to my normal junk food eating self :)

So it is now the middle of April and I have been thinking about our up coming trip to Mexico! Once again I have started a new diet and exercise program, hoping to lose a few and tone up a bit before we depart! (even though our trip is all-inclusive and we will probably be eating and drinking the entire time) This time, I am weighing myself every morning and sticking to an eating plan that I did once before I met Jaime (I was thin then!!). I want to give it 2 weeks and see what the progress will be... hopefully not repeating my previous experience!

Why oh why do women do this to themselves?? And why is it so hard to lose weight and get in shape the older you are? I feel that I am more active, you know always doing laundry, cleaning the house, taking care of the kids, the husband, the cat, etc., now that I am older and I don't have to work outside the home. It used to be so easy to drop 5-10 lbs. about 10 years ago!!

I am going to try to stay on track this time..... keeping in mind this is only day 5 :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mexico Trip

This year for our 5th Anniversary I wanted to surprise Jaime with a trip to Mexico! I have a friend that is a travel agent, so after talking to her and explaining all of the things that I was wanting to do, she came up with a wonderful place... Riviera Maya, Mexico!! We chose a resort, looks pretty wonderful too I might add, the flight schedule and the days... thought I had everything covered for an awesome surprise... then I remembered that we now have to have a US passport to travel outside the United States! So I thought how I could still pull off the surprise, without him knowing, and get both of our passports. Well after talking to several people with Homeland Security, I realized there was just no way to do it, because he was to be the one to sign for his passport in front of an official! Big Bummer!! Ok.. not to panic.. I still wanted to make this a very memorable surprise for him and tell him in a creative way.

I decided to do a scavenger hunt, relationship style! I came up with a pretty cute, but short (just because I thought it was a cute idea, didn't mean Jaime was going to be all into it!) scavenger hunt with clues that related to us. The first clue led him to the first place we met, the second to the first place he told me he loved me and the third and final was to the Church we got married in. Thank goodness for him... he got them all right!! On the Church door was a note addressed to him telling him how much he means to me and how excited I was going to be enjoying this years anniversary with him. At the end of the note, it told him where we would be going and a few of the details. Everything rhymed and was worded in a way that only he would understand... little things that we say or have said to each other. I was very proud of myself for coming up with such a cleaver idea! Oh ya... he was totally excited!! Oh course the first thing he asked me was, "How much did it cost and how are we going to pay for it?" So when I told him that I had been saving money here and there and it was already paid for, he was even more excited!

We will be going June 8-12... not too long, but just long enough! I am so excited and can't wait! What a wonderful way for us to re-connect with one another! So.. now we are waiting on our passports to arrive to us in the mail, of course I have started a major diet and tanning... and I'm doing a little shopping for our "beach attire" as well :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Night.. Family Night!!


Friday nights are usually dedicated to family time. A simple dinner, play time and a family friendly movie with the kids. Camping out in the living room floor is a favorite also! (I, on the other hand, sleep in the big king size bed all alone.... it's great!) Not that I don't want to be a part of the "family camp out", I just sleep better in a bed... you know, my bad back and all :)

Tonight we grilled hamburgers, had an Easter Egg hunt (Abby thought we should do one, since it rained on Easter last week), and settled down to watch "Bedtime Stories". Jaime and the kids will be sleeping in their usual spots and I in the bed... hummm I think I feel a little sleepy now that I mention it... Yawn

Good Night!!
