Our Happily Ever After...

After a life time of searching, Jaime and I finally crossed paths. We met through mutual friends while he was on duty at the fire station, which just happened to be Abby's birthday. We were married a year later. June 12, 2004 was the beginning of our "Happily Ever After"!

Our son, Wyatt, was born on December 21, 2004 and he is such a blessing to our family! He looks just like his daddy! A little pistol during the day and a cuddler at night. He is always dressed up as a firefighter, just like daddy!

Our daughter, Abby, is a beautiful young lady! She is so smart and never seems to amaze us. She is very talented! She loves to sing and dance.

We moved to Guthrie in November 2007. Everyone has adjusted extremly well. We bought a house in August 2008 and completly remodeled it. It is on a queit dead-end street, in a wonderful neighborhood! It is close to the schools and not far from the fire station. It's just perfect! The only thing missing is the white picket fence :)

Jaime was promoted to Lieutenant with the Guthrie Fire Department in March 2007. He is doing a wonderful job. He started his own Lawn and Landscaping Company, Integrity Lawn Care, in January 2007. I am very pleased to say that it is doing great and we are growing every year!

With the business income, I am able to stay home and raise my babies! This is very exciting! No more wondering what will happen if one of the kids are sick and have to miss school or which parent will be able to take off work for field trips. Dinner is able to be prepared in a timely manner and the laundry is always caught up.. yea to clean socks! I help Jaime out with the paper work part of the business and I believe it has help us grow as a family. I just can't imagine a better job in the world!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Not really sure...

I have no idea what he was doing, but it was so funny I had to snap a picture of him!

Gosh, I love that crazy little man!

Camping Party Anyone??

This year for Abby's 12th birthday, she decided she wanted to do a camping party. (which was weird to me, because she doesn't even like to play outside) We bought a tent and some fun things for the girls to do (pink flashlights, silly string, glow sticks) and invited 9 girls to sleepover. We bought a giant cookie cake from the mall in place a cake and ordered pizza for dinner. The girls had a blast! So much that they all stayed awake running in and out of the house until 6 am!! Oh.. and not one girl slept in the tent! (I knew it :)

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!


Well after going to the orthodontist for the past 6 years, Abby is finally ready for her braces! Here are a couple of pics:


MeXiCo & Father's Day

Oh wow! So I am so far behind with this blog thing! I will sum it all up..

Mexico was WONDERFUL!!!! We had a blast and it really is like paradise there! This was by far the best anniversary yet! We missed the kids so much, that we were planning our summer vacation with them in Mexico for next year, before we even left! We planned on going to Disney World in Florida for two weeks, but have no changed to a nice family resort in paradise! Can't wait!!

For Father's Day this year, we took Jaime out for dinner to one of his favorite places, "Toby Keith's" and then on to the Cox Center for a Yard Dawgs game! It was a very fun filled evening!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Can't Wait!!

Well, it is almost here.. finally! VACATION TIME!!!! We leave Monday morning for Riviera Maya, Mexico to celebrate our 5th Wedding Anniversary! Woo Hoo!!

I booked this trip for Jaime and I about 3 months ago and time has stood still (well seems that way). So glad it is finally here! I have a lot of things to do to get ready before we can go.

Have to do all the laundry, clean the house, set up the cat and make sure she will be ok for a week without us, finalize childcare arrangements, go over my list of "what to pack" and make sure I have everything ready for that, double check passports, cash and all carry-on items, make out a schedule for the business for next week for Juan and call clients so they will know Jaime will be out of town, oh and again.. go over my list of "what to pack" and make sure I have everything ready!! And on top of all of that I will still need to try and contain myself for the next 2 days, until Monday arrives!

Now that I have blogged about everything I need to do, get done or should have finished by now, I can use this for reference!
